Public Safety Includes

Public safety now includes the education market.  Students in classrooms and student transportation services are exceptional examples of the expanded need for broad public safety commitments. Students of all ages observe many things at school now that were not prevalent  25-30 years ago. Their safety is imperative.

Public and private utility companies and co-ops are also included in the public safety markets. In most cases when a 911-fire call is made, the utility personnel must meet the first responders at the scene in case the electricity is still on, or there are gas lines in the area that need to be shut down. These few examples only scratch the surface of changes in our environment across the country, that necessitate public safety.


  • Land Mobile Radio (LMR): For the past 50 years, all public safety personnel have counted on mobile and portable radio communications.  This has advanced over the years to the privatization of radio transmission protocols. These allow for better coverage and more powerful options for Public Safety operations. Making sure these radios and radio systems are operating at peak efficiency, is a long standing service that CSC has provided for many years.  Please contact our team to get more information & details.


  • 911 Call Center Dispatchers are the heart of any Public Safety system. City, County & State public safety departments, count on the dispatchers to answer the calls, and make the valued decision how to dispatch Fire, EMS, or Law enforcement to the scene. This is crucial for first responders who are on scene during an event.

Vehicle Lights & Sirens are an important part of the tools first responders’ need when in transit or on site at an operational scene.  Lighting & siren installs require much more time and attention to detail. Our team is trained on all manners of the installation process with our CSC vendor partners. (See ‘About Us’ section)